My Sonos system won’t connect to my new home wifi network. The app prompts the update but then it is unable to complete the change.
Have you followed the instructions in the new router - installation instructions FAQ?
The easiest thing to do is to temporarily connect one main speaker to your new router with an Ethernet cable.
7 months ago 21 January 2024We have had a Sonos system (2 Ones, Beam, and Connect) for several years. We have recently changed our internet provider and cannot reconnect. We have followed all of the directions, but keep getting messages that the system cannot reconnect. It doesn’t seem to be able to factory reset. And the Chat service is not, in fact 24/7 as claimed. How can we get this system to work?
For anyone having similar issues I suggest that you refrain from Factoy Reset without consult because it rarely resolves fundamental issues and causes a lot of extra work.
In this case I suggest temporarily wiring a unit to the network, then giving the new WiFi details.
7 months ago 22 January 2024This was partially helpful, and allowed me to reconnect (and reposition) three out of four of the components. For the last one (one of the two Ones), I temporarily wired it to the router, and it showed up on the system and functioned. But when I tried to move it back to the location where it has been, it then “disappeared.” The new router is far more powerful than the old system, so this makes no sense.
This was partially helpful, and allowed me to reconnect (and reposition) three out of four of the components. For the last one (one of the two Ones), I temporarily wired it to the router, and it showed up on the system and functioned. But when I tried to move it back to the location where it has been, it then “disappeared.” The new router is far more powerful than the old system, so this makes no sense.
With a Sonos device wired to the router, goto ‘Settings/System/Network/Manage Networks’ and use the ‘Update Networks’ feature to scan your system.. select the ‘missing’ device and follow the onscreen instructions to add the new WiFi credentials (SSID/Password) to the speaker and your system and then all should then run on the local WiFi signal when you uncable the wired device. Give it about 5 minutes to switchover, or reboot any speakers if they do initially go missing again.
Hope that sorts the issue for you.
7 months ago 22 January 2024Whats obscene about sonos connectivity is the complete lack of simplicity. Sure it works great once then it goes for crap. Registration and connectivity issues ARE KNOW ISSUES! There is no excuse for a high price product like this, should require any of the multitude of fixes listed in these threads. The fix should be press this button WPS speaker to network additional speakers activate sonos network. Thousands of devices work just fine following this process everyday.
Dont reset itll cause you nothing but grief LOL. Wifi connection failures? WTH? Speaker reg failures, Come on! Use the APP on a PC, forces the use of the phone. Ridiculous! The need for an account? Data mining much? Many professional AV companies are starting to recommend not using sonos. Even better, delete your account, we’ll keep it active for a while just in case. JC! There are many bugs with the setup process and questionable business ethics SONOS refuses to address! And before you pipe in with your my product works great, there are a few thousand with not so great experiences.
7 months ago 22 January 2024It’s odd. I’ve set up multiple systems over the last 10 or 15 years, and haven’t had a single issue. I wonder why your experience is so substantially different than mine?