How do I add money to my card?
There are three ways to add funds to your Holl Pass:
(Please be advised that the Holl Pass site will only work on browser screens larger than 764 pixels, which is accommodated by larger tablets, laptops and computers.)
How much money should I put on my card?
This will vary from student to student. One of the conveniences of your Holl Pass is being able to easily check your account balance online and add funds when needed.
Am I the only one who can add funds to my account?
Other people can also add funds to your account using the Parent login option on the website. You will need to provide them with your student ID number. They will not be able to see your current balance or your transaction history.
How do I know how much money is on my Holl Pass?
You can check your balance:
(Please be advised that the Holl Pass site will only work on browser screens larger than 764 pixels, which is accommodated by larger tablets, laptops and computers.)
Requesting Refunds:
To request a refund, you must login to your SAM account, click Holl Pass request forms, then click the Student Holl Pass refund/transfer form.
Flex Refunds: All funds in your Holl Pass Flex account will automatically be transferred from one academic year to the next. All Flex refunds are available at any time, (payable by cheque), and are subject to a $25 (tax included) administration fee, taken from the amount to be refunded. Refunds can take up to 3 weeks.
Tourism & Culinary Centre (TCC) Meal Plans remaining funds are non-transferable and non-refundable.140 Weymouth Street, Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island, Canada C1A 4Z1