Renew My Benefits

The Renew my Benefits page displays your current benefit programs and shows which programs are available for renewal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request to renew my benefits?

Programs available for renewal will have a check box. Select the programs you wish to renew, and then click the Save and Continue button.

Why is there a person missing from my case?

You may not see a person that was previously listed on your case if they have been determined to be permanently out of the home.

What does the Continue In Progress button do?

Click this button to continue your renewal application.

Note: This button displays only if there is an In Progress renewal application that you initiated.

What does the Save and Continue button Save and Continue Buttondo?

The Save and Continue button saves the information you entered and takes you to the This is what you have told us page. If you select Medicaid program, this button takes you to the Medicaid Benefit Programs page.

Note: If you are completing a Renewal application that is In Progress , a warning displays indicating the application already exists and will be deleted if you continue.

What does the Continue button on the warning page do?

Click the Continue button to update the renewal application and delete the incomplete renewal application. This will navigate to the This is what you have told us page.

What does the Cancel button on the warning page do?

Click the Cancel button to return to the Renew my Benefits page.

What does the Cancel and Exit button Cancel and Exit Buttondo?

Click this button if you do not want to keep the information you added on this page. SSP does not save your information and returns you to the Home page.

How do I leave this page?

Home Button

To leave this page, click the Cancel and Exit button or the Home hyperlink to return to the Home page.