Overall full-value tax rates by county (all taxing purposes): 2012-2021

*Tax rates in each county are based on combination of levies, for county, city, town, village, school district, and certain special district purposes. For New York City, tax rates reflect levies for general city and school district purposes.

**New York City and Nassau County have a 4-class property tax system. (Class 1: 1-3 family residential; Class 2: apartment; Class 3: utility equipment; and Class 4: all other property). It was not possible to determine a countywide class-specific rate for Nassau County due to the complexity of taxing jurisdictions.


  1. The rates are given in dollars per $1,000 of full value, rounded to the nearest tenth of a dollar.
  2. Taxable full values used in calculating the tax rates include the state-reimbursed STAR exemption where applicable.


Levy information source: Office of the State Comptroller—Overlapping Real Property Tax Rates, issued annually.
Taxable full values source: Annual exemption reports, Office of Tax Policy Analysis, Department of Taxation and Finance.
New York City information source: Resolutions of the City Council fixing the tax rate, issued annually.