The City adopted it's first Bikeway Master Plan in 2009 and updated in 2011. The current Bikeway Master Plan was adopted by the Citrus Heights City Council on December 10, 2015.
The Bikeway Master Plan is intended to guide the development of bikeways throughout the community over the next 30 years.
The Bikeway Master Plan enables the City to construct bikeway improvements and be competitive for grant funding to construct bikeways throughout the community.
2015 Bikeway Master Plan Update
The City adopted its first Bikeway Master Plan in 2009, followed by a technical update in 2011. The Bikeway Master Plan was update in 2015 to:
The current Bikeway Master Plan is available:
The Bikeway Map (PDF) depicts existing and proposed bikeways throughout the City.
The adopted environmental document is available here: Environmental Document (MND) (PDF) (Large File 15.6MB)