Captive Wildlife Safety Act (P.L. 108-191)
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Public Law
- H.R. 5226, Introduced in the House July 25, 2002
- H.R. 1006, Enrolled as agreed to or passed by both the House and Senate January 7, 2003
- H.R. 1006, Introduced in the House February 27, 2003
- H.R. 1006, Reported in the House September 11, 2003
- H.R. 1006, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by the House November 19, 2003
- H.R. 1006, Received in the Senate from the House November 20, 2003
- H.R. 1006, Engrossed amendments as agreed to by the Senate November 24, 2003
- S. 3038, Introduced in the Senate October 3, 2002
- S. 269, Introduced in the Senate January 30, 2003
- S. 269, Reported in the Senate October 23, 2003
- S. 269, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by the Senate October 31, 2003
- House Report No. 108-269, To accompany H.R. 1006 September 11, 2003
- Senate Report No. 108-172, To accompany S. 269 October 23, 2003
Hearings and Related Documents
- H.R. 1006 and H.R. 1472, legislative hearing before the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, 108th Congress, 1st Session, June 12, 2003
- Remarks by Mr. Jeffords for himself, Mr. Ensign, Mr. Wyden, Mr. Levin, and Mr. Smith, Congressional Record S1833 January 30, 2003 [PDF]
- Captive Wildlife Safety Act, Congressional Record S13740 October 31, 2003
- Captive Wildlife Safety Act, Congressional Record H11444 November 18, 2003
- Captive Wildlife Safety Act, Congressional Record H11550 November 19, 2003
- SA 2215. Remarks by Mr. Ensign for Mr. Inhofe and Mr. Jeffords, Congressional Record S15849 November 24, 2003 [PDF]
- Captive Wildlife Safety Act, Congressional Record S15872 November 24, 2003
- Captive Wildlife Safety Act, Congressional Record H12866 December 8, 2003